Strip weapons from survivors (humans and bots)

When called via runscriptcode, will strip weapons from survivors, anything you don't want stripped, comment out of weaponsToRemove.

Note bots are weird when you strip their pistol and still will use their holding animation or spaz out with a health kit so make sure if you strip pistols, you give them a melee.

author: Lee Pumphret

Removes specified weapons from survivors


// Even with wrong names, works for both survivor sets
survivors <-{
   coach = null
   ellis = null
   nick = null
   rochelle = null

// Items you want deleted from player below, add or comment out as needed...
weaponsToRemove <-
        weapon_pistol = 0
        weapon_pistol_magnum = 0
        weapon_smg = 0
        weapon_pumpshotgun = 0
        weapon_autoshotgun = 0
        weapon_rifle = 0
        weapon_hunting_rifle = 0
        weapon_smg_silenced = 0
        weapon_shotgun_chrome = 0
        weapon_rifle_desert = 0
        weapon_sniper_military = 0
        weapon_shotgun_spas = 0
        weapon_grenade_launcher = 0
        weapon_rifle_ak47 = 0
        weapon_smg_mp5 = 0      
        weapon_rifle_sg552 = 0      
        weapon_sniper_awp = 0   
        weapon_sniper_scout = 0
        weapon_rifle_m60 = 0
        weapon_melee = 0
        weapon_upgradepack_incendiary = 0
        weapon_upgradepack_explosive = 0

foreach(s,v in survivors){
    printl ("looking for !"+s);
    survivor <- Entities.FindByName(null, "!"+s)
    if (survivor){
      printl(s+" found: "+survivor);
      // look at child items
      child <- survivor.FirstMoveChild()
      if (child){
        while (child){
            printl("   "+ s + " has " + child.GetClassname() );
            if ( child.GetClassname() in weaponsToRemove){
                DoEntFire("!self", "kill", "", 0, null, child );
            child = child.NextMovePeer();
      printl(s+" NOT FOUND!");

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