Pick Random Car (or entity) Color
Meant to be used with the stock car instances. Mainly the benefit is losing two entities (logic_auto and the logic_switch) for each instance. Plus you can edit colors without a recompile.
To use it, remove those two entities from your car instance, and on your prop_physics car, turn off smartedit and add a key "vscripts" with a value of "carscript", *note - do NOT type the quotes.
Save this script under scripts/vscripts
Update: 2012.06.20 I modified it to work on unnamed entities. Also note this can't work on prop_static's as they have no IO.
To use it, remove those two entities from your car instance, and on your prop_physics car, turn off smartedit and add a key "vscripts" with a value of "carscript", *note - do NOT type the quotes.
Save this script under scripts/vscripts
Update: 2012.06.20 I modified it to work on unnamed entities. Also note this can't work on prop_static's as they have no IO.
/* carscript.nut author: Lee Pumphret https://www.leeland.info A simple script to pick a random color when a car (or other entity) spawns */ /* add additional colors below */ CarColors <- [ "153 65 29", "52 46 46", "253 241 203", "84 101 144", "212 158 70", ]; local Color = RandomInt(1,CarColors.len()); //printl("Color is " + CarColors[Color-1]); DoEntFire("!self", "Color", CarColors[Color-1],0,null,self);