Control Sanyo SSP enabled VCRs through RS232C.
Requires Device::SerialPort (nix) or Win32::SerialPort on windows.
Developed from the manual for the
VZU-485/232C interface board. Tested and developed on a Sanyo SRT6000 security VCR.
Device-VCR-SSP-Serial-0.01.tar.gzA rough terminal VCR control script is
here. (source below)
It works, but don't judge it too hard. Slapped together as I developed it. I'll probably polish it when I get a chance.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
use Device::SerialPort qw( :PARAM :STAT 0.07 );
use Device::VCR::SSP::Serial qw (:all);
$ENV{PERL_RL} = 'Gnu';
use Term::ReadLine;
= qw (/dev/ttyS0 2400 8 none 1 rts F);
my $CLEAR = `clear`;
my $Port = Device::SerialPort->new($PORTNAME)
|| die "Can't open port: $!\n";
$Port->dtr_active($DTR) || die "Couldn't set DTR";
; # delay in milliseconds per unfulfilled "read" call
my $vcr = Device::VCR::SSP::Serial->new(
port_obj => $Port,
debug => 1
sleep 2;
sub show_res {
my $res = shift;
warn "Write command failed!" unless defined $res;
if ( $res eq R_ACK ) {
warn "ACK [$res] received.\n";
elsif ( $res eq R_NAK ) {
warn "NAK [$res] received.\n";
else {
warn "Unexpected response: ", $res, "\n";
my $term = Term::ReadLine->new("VCR Control");
my $OUT = $term->OUT() || *STDOUT;
my @commands = ( $vcr->listcmd, 'QUIT' );
@commands = ( @commands, map { lc($_) } @commands );
my $attribs = $term->Attribs;
$attribs->{completion_entry_function} =
$attribs->{completion_word} = [@commands];
my ( $cmd, $clean );
sub do_screen {
print $CLEAR;
print "Enter Command:\n";
foreach ( grep { /^[A-Z]/ } @commands ) {
print "\t", $_, "\n";
while ( defined( $cmd = $term->readline('>') ) ) {
$cmd = uc($cmd);
$cmd =~ s/\s*$//;
if ( $cmd eq 'STATUS_SENSE' ) {
warn $vcr->dump_status_sense();
elsif ( $cmd eq 'TL_STATUS_SENSE' ) {
warn $vcr->dump_tl_status_sense();
elsif ( $cmd eq 'QUIT' ) {
else {
show_res( $vcr->sendcmd($cmd) );
undef $Port;