Vaporware is cutting edge software that does not exist. For example, let's say Company A has new Whiz-Bang internet software.
Company B has Whiz in R&D but Bang is about 18 months off.
Company B releases a press release stating that their Whiz-Bang is a million times better than Company A's old outdated software, and will ship in three months. Company B keeps pushing back the ship date until they actually have Whiz-Bang while Companies are afraid of using Company A's Whiz-Bang because they don't want to get stuck with that old outdated Whiz-Bang
Company B has Whiz in R&D but Bang is about 18 months off.
Company B releases a press release stating that their Whiz-Bang is a million times better than Company A's old outdated software, and will ship in three months. Company B keeps pushing back the ship date until they actually have Whiz-Bang while Companies are afraid of using Company A's Whiz-Bang because they don't want to get stuck with that old outdated Whiz-Bang