Page Width
Hint: Try and make your page 640 pixels wide or less. If you have to go bigger, keep it under 800 pixels wide.
Why? People in general don't mind scrolling up and down but having to scroll left and right sucks! Try reading a book while only being able to view 3/4 of it at any given time. Approximately 75% of people have 800x600 as their resolution so if you keep it under this, you will only piss off 20% of people. 640 pixels wide is a better target to shoot for.
Why? People in general don't mind scrolling up and down but having to scroll left and right sucks! Try reading a book while only being able to view 3/4 of it at any given time. Approximately 75% of people have 800x600 as their resolution so if you keep it under this, you will only piss off 20% of people. 640 pixels wide is a better target to shoot for.