Bad Company

A sign of a truly fucked company
I got this invoice in my email today. It was from a company that we never did business with. Never even talked to. It was a huge bill that going all the way back to December.

I wish I thought of this, just send random people invoices and maybe some will pay!

Why are they fucked?

1. Ever hear of a customer database? They apparently got my name from a domain name that listed me as the Administrative contact. That means they don't even have a contact database or a billing contact. That is fuck one.

2. Why are they invoicing 9 months late? If you can't keep your bills straight, you are truly fucked.

3. Reference an account, invoice, something!

### ORIGINAL MSG ##################

Lee, Our records show that your account with is past due. We kindly ask to remit payment within the next 10 days. If there is a reason as to why these invoices have not been paid, please let me know.

For your convenience, copies of the outstanding invoices are enclosed. Please review the invoices to ensure that DealTime has your correct billing address and contact information.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.

Thanking you in advance,

Michael ******

Assistant Controller

tel: 212. ***. ****


Period Invoice Number Invoice Date Invoice Amount January 157 1/31/00 $4,329.10

February 269 2/29/00 $4,392.45

April 1172 4/30/00 $1,789.65

May June 7334

1342 5/31/00

6/30/00 $1,485.90


Total Past Due


Terms: Due Upon Receipt. Subject to late fee penalty.

Please indicate Invoice # on your remittance.

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